Imagine a city where children spend their days begging on the streets for food and their nights sleeping on concrete sidewalks. They plead with you to give them un lempira but in their eyes there is something so much deeper—they are crying out for love. They come from broken families and their hearts are longing for a glimmer of hope.
This desperation is something I witnessed firsthand in the fall of 2009 when I spent three months as a writing intern and volunteer in Honduras. As I travelled throughout the country, I was able to interact with several different ministries, but nothing affected me more that the experiences I had with the street kids of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. They stole my heart, and since my return to the States, they have never been far from my mind.
God has been stirring within me a passion for missions for the past few years. After being a part of several short-term trips, He has called me to a deeper commitment. In August of this year, I will return to Tegucigalpa, Honduras as a Missionary Associate through the Assemblies of God. I will be assisting Bill Strickland in the ministry he has established at Centro Evangelistico Assembly of God.
This congregation has grown to over 6,000 members and through the church several ministries have been established, such as an orphanage, medical and dental clinic and a Teen Challenge center. In addition to this, there is a Christian bilingual school with around 725 children. I have been given the opportunity to teach second grade at this school, as well as assist with the other ministries that are operated through the church.

As this plan has been unfolding, I have clearly seen God’s hand working out all the details. I am so humbled by this opportunity to serve His kingdom and to have the chance to show the love of Christ to these kids. As you can imagine, there is a financial need involved with making this trip possible. Before I leave, I need to raise $5,000 cash and $600 in monthly support. I would appreciate any support that you would feel called to give. Most importantly, I need your prayers as I begin to make preparations to leave home and start a completely different life in Honduras.
If you would like to give financial support please make checks payable to:
AGWM 1445 Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802
In the memo line include my account number: 4142543
You can also make donations online:
Thank you for your support and prayers and I will continue to keep you all updated throughout this process and during my time in Honduras.
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