Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Judgy McJudgerson

I've come to realize something monumental that has the potential to forever change my life. I realized that I care way too much about what people think. Not in the normal, "Oh, is my outfit trendy enough today?" kind of way. But in the, "Is who I am and what I'm doing with my life valid in the eyes of others?" kind of way. Yikes. 

I look to others for validation and am afraid that my life doesn't measure up to some standard I've made up in my own head. I'm so afraid of being judged by everyone because (here's another dirty little secret...) I judge everyone. All the time. I judge what they look like, what they wear, what they do, how they do it. Everything. And it makes me feel sick inside. Like I have some invisible measuring stick that I'm carrying around and if anyone surpasses it I feel less than and if anyone misses the mark I feel greater than. Ugh, it's so ugly. And it's not Jesus. 

The worst part is this has nothing to do with everyone else and everything to do with me. You see, my own insecurity and twisted sense of self-worth has trapped me to believe that my titles, my accomplishments and the number of likes I receive on Instagram define who I am. But these are all lies. My worth and my identity are found in Christ and in what He says about me. He says I am chosen, redeemed, loved and forgiven. And bonus, He accepts me, all of me, just as I am. 

Maybe I'm alone in this "judging others/feeling less than" boat. But if for some reason I'm not, let me encourage you today that you are not defined by the labels that have been placed on you or that you have placed on yourself. You are defined by Him-the one full of enough grace and mercy to cover everything. Even that thing. Embrace this truth today and allow your identity to be wrapped up in who He says you are. It's in that place where you'll find true freedom. 


  1. My dear it is a gift to recognize this early in life and before kids. It will give you far more freedom. Love you for who God made you and ask God to let you see others how he sees them. Great message!
