Friday, August 21, 2009

the adventure lies in the unknown

This morning I woke up and heard children chattering in Spanish outside my window. The sound of it was enough to make me realize that I was finally here in Honduras. After a long day of travel yesterday, it was definitely an amazing feeling. After a four hour plane ride, three hour car ride and a rocky boat ride that almost made me lose my lunch, I was thankful to be safe on the island of Roatan. As I began my day this morning, I realized that although I am finally here, I am still uncertain about what will unfold during my travels. I know that God called me to this place for a reason, and today I began to work through what that purpose entails. I realized that the true adventure in this journey lies in the unknown. I'm the type of person who loves to plan out the steps I will take in perfect detail. However, I believe that God is going to change that on this trip. All I know is that I am thankful to finally be here and I am greatly anticipating all that God has to show me during this time.

As I was reading this morning, I came across a passage from Isaiah 44:2 that said, "This is what the Lord says--he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen." This verse came as a great comfort to me that my God who knows me and who has called me will help me. I believe that although God sends us challenges in life He always provides a way for us to persevere through those challenges, and as he said in this verse, he will help us through. I am certain that I will face numerous challenges on this journey as I'm sure you are also facing challenges back home. Be encouraged that God will help you through those challenges, as I know he will also help me.

On another note...I learned my first lesson today. NEVER leave an open bar of chocolate out in the open. As I discoverd, the ants will find it, even if it is wrapped up inside one of your bags. My missionary host told me to throw it in the freezer--ants and all--and to eat it later. About an hour later, I opened the freezer pulled out the chocolate bar covered in frozen ants and decided it was still edible. Those ants were not about to make me waste my precious chocolate:)


  1. So now you think you are on survivor, huh? chocolate covered ants???Even I don't love chocolate that much, ha ha.

  2. Dear Miss Erica
    We hope you are safe. I love you and miss you very much. I hope you didn't fall on your bike. I rode in the bike-a-thon at school and I never had brung my bike to school before. I crashed and a second grader ran over my finger. It is better now. I rode 9 miles. We are glad that you are teaching the children in the class. We are glad that you are in hondorus. We care about you very much. We do math and phonics and lots of hard homework in first grade. Mommy showed me where you are on the globe. I ride my horses and maybe if you come over someday you can too. Love Leonna Eason
